Name of the Association: The Name of the Association shall be INDIAN SOCIETY FOR FACIAL TRAUMA, AESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGISTS and it will be registered under the same name.
Registered Office: The Registered Office of the Association will be situated in Chennai
Date of formation: The Association was formed on 30th December 2018;
The Association is nondiscriminatory and nonpartisan with respect to politics, race and religion.
Aims & Objectives of the Association are:
This Association has been formed to spread the knowledge and surgical skills to otolaryngologists with special interest in Facial trauma, Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.
The Association would from time to time conduct courses, guest lectures, clinical meetings, workshops, hands on training, live workshops to equip Otorhinolaryngologists with skills required for Facial trauma, Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and hold review meetings to update and revise the skills of the said surgeons/ members registered in the Association.
To encourage faculty members to present papers, participate in CMEs, workshops, Seminars and also encourage observership at reputed centers in India and abroad.
To accomplish its goal, the Association would toil for the encouragement of research activities in the field of Facial trauma, Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and also aims at releasing bulletins, position papers, expert reviews, guidelines, protocols from time to time to help the members in their active clinical practice and surgical knowledge.
Our Association will also aim to share information through scientific congresses and will conduct collaborative projects with universities or other non-profit-associations and will also seek to publish its activities and the research results through a newsletter or journals.
To co-operate with other associations related to Otolaryngology and allied sciences.
The Association would in future increase the membership drive aggressively in order to enrol more members interested Facial trauma, Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and to make this group a formidable association in India.
The Patron and founding members would help and guide the members with surgical guidance in individual cases as need be.
To provide continuing Medical Education for Postgraduate students and Medical Practitioners of Otolaryngology. To establish and maintain reference libraries of books, journals, newsletters, audio-visuals materials, etc., relating to Facial trauma, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery.
To watch and advise the Government on legislation affecting Facial trauma, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgeons.
To arrange and conduct examinations, award certificates and prizes on subjects related to Facial Trauma, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery and the art of Otolaryngology.
To organize exhibitions of surgical, allied instruments and equipment and to encourage their improvement in Quality.
To make rules, when deemed necessary inter alias relating to discipline and professional conduct of Facial trauma, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgeons.
To do all such other things as may be incidental to or conductive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.
To conduct free medical relief camps to the poor and needy through clinics, hospitals, mobile clinics, medical camps.
In all its activities, the Association will retain no provide economic interest and will be organized and function only as a non-profit entity.
The funds of the Association may only be used to further the purposes of the association. The members do not receive any financial benefit from the Association.
No one may spend funds contrary to the mission of the Association or be reimbursed to a disproportionate degree for expenses incurred.
Persons who are not employees or contractors of the Association may only receive reimbursement of their documented expenses
To establish branches wherever feasible.
Management: The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Governing Body.
Income and Payments: The Association is authorized to receive donations, subscriptions or other income, to hold funds and to utilize the funds for fulfilling the objects of the Association. The income and property of the Association from where so ever derived shall be spent solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Association as set forth in this Memorandum of Association and no portion shall be paid to “individual members as dividend, bonus or gifts”.
Bank Account: Such money of the Association if not utilized for the above objectives of the Association may be invested in Nationalized Banks or utilized in such a way as the Governing Body may at their discretion think proper to acquire permanent assets, if it is a better objective.
Properties: The Association shall have the power to purchase, construct or acquire on lease or in exchange or hire or by gift or otherwise any real or personal property and any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Association and to improve, develop, manage, sell, lease, mortgage, dispose off, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Association in concurrence with general body.
Dissolution: If upon winding up of the Association there shall remain after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Association or any of them but shall be given or transferred to other societies or Institutions having objectives of this Association to be determinate by the votes of not less than three fifths of the members present personally or by proxy in a meeting at or before time of the dissolution or in default thereof by a competent court.
The Association may make By-laws, Rules and Regulations or Guidelines of the Association for its smooth running in concurrence with general body. The Association is authorized to delete, change, add By-laws, Ruled and Regulations or Guidelines when found necessary, in concurrence with general body.
List of Executive Committee Members of
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Occupation | Address
1 | Dr. P Jayanth Kumar | Founder President | Doctor
| Old no 10, New no 4 Damodaran Street, Panjavadi, Chetpet, Chennai -600 003. Tamil Nadu |
2 | Prof Mohan Kameswaran | Patron | Doctor | 1, 1st Cross Street, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai – 600 028 Tamil Nadu |
3 | Dr. Rajesh R Yadav | President Elect | Doctor | 3, Sheethal Nagar, Western Express Highway, Dahisar, Mumbai – 400 068 Maharashtra |
4 | Dr. Mohan Jagade
| Vice President | Doctor | 1/13, Dhanvantari, Sir JJ Road, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008 Maharashtra |
5 | Dr. Vijaya Krishnan P
| Secretary | Doctor | 1, 1st Cross Street, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai – 600 028 Tamil Nadu |
6 | Dr. Pradeep Kumar K | Treasurer | Doctor | Plot No. 15, Deffodils Layout, Titan township Road, Mathigiri, Hosur -635 110 Krishnagri |
7 | Dr. Sakshi Desai | Joint secretary | Doctor | B-204/205, Parvate Apartment, Malad(East), Mumbai – 400 097 Maharashtra |
8 | Dr. Dev Roy | Executive Committee Member | Doctor | 92, Purbalok, Kolkata – 700 099 West Bengal |
9 | Dr. Raghunandhan S
| Executive Committee Member | Doctor | 1, 1st Cross Street, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai – 600 028 Tamil Nadu |
We the members whose Designations and signatures are subscribed hereunder are willing to form An Association under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act-1975, and to register the same under the above Act.
. No. | Name | |
| Dr. P Jayanth Kumar
Prof Mohan Kameswaran
Dr. Rajesh R Yadav
Dr. Mohan Jagade
Dr. Vijaya Krishnan P
Dr. Pradeep Kumar K
Dr. Sakshi Desai
Dr. Dev Roy
Dr. Raghunandhan S
Rule No.1. NAME:
The Name of the Association shall be called henceforth “INDIAN SOCIETY FOR FACIAL TRAUMA, AESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGISTS” (ISFARO) with the Aims and Objectives specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Printed here in the margin is approved official seal of the Association interpretation.
Rule No.1b. In the construction of these Rules and Regulations generally unless repugnant
to the context, the singular shall include the plural and the masculine the feminine and vice-versa and writing shall include printing, lithography or other substitutes for writing.
The Main office of the Association will be in Chennai for a period of 3years after which it shall have the choice of moving to another city within India dependent on the majority opinion of General Body or by Election.
Any dispute with the Association can be brought to the court which is situated in the city where the head office functions.
The Association will have three classes of members.
Individual Members will consist of professionals and paraprofessionals active in the field of Facial Trauma, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Society Members will consist of regional Association within their scope of concern.
Supporting Members will consist of any legal person, organization or other legal body that wishes to support activities of the Association
Criteria for membership:
All members must accept the mission statement, bylaws and general procedures of the Association.
All members must pay the dues in a timely fashion as determined by the Governing Council.
Criteria for each class of membership may be established by the governing Council.
Types of Individual
Life Members: Any member limited to Otorhinolaryngology Specialty who pays a lump sum of an amount as determined by the General Body from time to time.
Associate Members: Members belonging to allied branches like Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Maxillo Facial Surgery, Dermatologists, etc.
Every candidate who may apply to the Association for membership shall be sponsored by at least two members, either Life, Life Ordinary members or Association Members whose names appear on the Register of the Association as existing members and Governing Body shall have the right to decide the eligibility and the category to which the applicant belongs. Such decision shall be final.
The members shall have the following rights, privileges:
All life members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association including the right to vote and contest elections. To attend and talk in the General Body meeting subject to the rules of the Association with prior permission of the Chair.
All Association members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association; they shall not be entitled to vote or contest the Elections.
Voluntary Resignation: A member may voluntarily withdraw from the Association by intimating the fact in writing to the Secretary of the Association. He will not be entitled for the refund of any subscription or donation paid by him.
A member may be removed from the membership of Association if he acts in any manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association.
Death of any member.
Conviction in a court: IPSO-FACTO (i) up on sentence after conviction in a court of justice of any crime entailing moral turpitude or (ii) up on being deregistered by a Medical Council of India on ground of unethical conduct, for the duration of deregistration or (iii) up on forfeiture through misconduct of the medical qualification by virtue of which the member was eligible for membership.
Any member can appeal to the general body against the decision of the governing body to suspend or terminate his membership within a period of 3months of the receipt of the notice. If he fails to appeal within the time or if the general body confirms the termination, the membership automatically ceases. The general body by three forth majority of the members present at the meeting may reinstate the member as it deems fit. The member has no right to question the decision of the general body in this matter.
The Secretary shall circulate by post to all the members of the Association with the Annual report of the year and statement of audited accounts.
These along with Notice of the General Body meeting and Agenda should be sent to the members at least 3 weeks before the date of Annual General Body meeting. The Annual Report shall include the minutes of the last General Body meeting and such other information as may be of interest to the Members and or useful to them.
Notice of the Special General Body Meeting (Extra-ordinary General Body meeting) along with specific Agenda should also be sent to the Members at least 3weeks before the meeting.
The Annual General Body meeting shall be convened every year.
The time and place of the next Annual General Body meeting and Conference shall be decided by the Annual General Body. In extraordinary circumstances the Governing Body has the right to change the dates of Annual General Body Meeting and Conference.
For attending to the needs of the Annual General Body Meeting and the Annual Conference for the next year the General Body meeting shall appoint Local Organizing Secretary or Secretaries, on recommendation from the Governing Body.
The Quorum: (For General Body meeting and Governing Body)
The Quorum of the General Body meeting shall be 1/3rd of the members present at the time of meeting and for the Governing Body it shall be 1/3rd members. A meeting adjourned for want of quorum needs no quorum.
If there is no Quorum the meeting shall be adjourned for 15 minutes and the transactions conducted. Only specific circulated agenda may be discussed and decided upon at such adjourned meeting. No decision taken on any subject discussed under the heading anything permitted by the Chairman in an adjourned meeting.
Any member desirous of moving a resolution at the time of the General Body meeting shall intimate the Text duly proposed and seconded by valid members to the Secretary before the commencement of General Body Meeting. The Secretary shall include this in the agenda.
Members are not allowed to vote who are debarred from attending General Body or other business meetings.
The total members of the Association shall constitute the General Body of the Association.
A meeting of the General Body of the Association shall be convened once a year to consider such subjects as placed by the Governing Body.
The president of the Association shall preside at such General Body meetings.
The Governing Body may call for an extraordinary General Body meeting whenever necessary for a specific agenda only.
The General Body will meet once a year.
To approve the accounts and annual report of the Association.
To appoint auditors.
To pass the budget.
To elect members of the Governing Body
The Governing body consists of the following elected members.
Founder President – One Person
Patron – One Person
President – One Person
President Elect – One Person
Vice President – One Person
Secretary – One Person
Joint Secretary – One Person
Treasurer – One Person
Executive Members – Two to Six Persons
The term of office of the Governing Body shall be for a period of two years -commencing from the date taking over during the annual conference till new body takes over during the succeeding annual conference except the posts of Secretary, Treasurer and the committee Members whose tenure is for 2 years.
Role of Founder President:
The founder President has the overall control of this Association. All policy decisions of the Association shall be made by him. All contracts, projects, important seminars, Conference will be signed and managed by the founder president.
All transactions including monetary transactions pertaining to contracts, investments, project will be verified and managed by him.
All kinds of administrative changing, additions, terminations will be governed by the Founder President. He reserves the rights of all the above matters.
He will act on the role of the President in some events or in his absence. He duties, overall responsibilities cannot be changed or amended.
Role of the Patron:
A patron member is an advisor of the Association. He will act for the welfare of the Association. All policy decisions shall be made on his advice and regulations. He duties, overall responsibilities cannot be changed or amended.
The term of the President shall be for a period of two years; only elect by nomination. He can seek re-nomination for one more term of one year after completion of his existing tenure.
The president shall preside at General Body and Governing Body meetings, any ruling given by him and such meeting shall be final.
He shall see that the Constitution of the Association adhered to.
He has a right to attend any committee meeting of the Association.
He shall have authority to issue statements in the name of the Association.
He shall guide and control the administration of the Association.
He may in his discretion, call for a special meeting of the Governing Body for considering any important and urgent subjects affecting the Association.
In every case of voting, the President will have a vote. In every case of a tie, the president shall have an additional casting vote.
He shall lay down the office at the Annual Conference and install the next President.
He shall preside over all the meetings of to all the committees appointed by the Governing body or the general body.
Shall be an ex-official member of all committees appointed by the Governing Body or General Body.
In the absence of the President, may preside over the meetings and shall have all the powers and duties of the President and part of Chief Governing Body.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President may preside over the meetings and shall have all the powers and duties of the President.
The term of office will be the two years or as decided by General Body.
He will be from the area where the office is situated.
He shall be the principle Executive Office bearer of the Association.
All documents, covenants, contracts, shall be made by the Secretary. He shall carryon the correspondence of the Association to maintain its books or accounts and registers and to arrange their safe custody.
He will execute all Resolutions of the Governing Body.
He will call meetings and keep, the minutes of all General Body meetings and Governing Body meetings in consultation with the President.
He will operate all Bank accounts along with Treasurer and spend money within the limits laid by the Governing Body.
He will be in constant touch with the President and act according to his advice and instructions.
He shall prepare an Annual Report of the activities of the Association and present it to the Annual General Body every year.
He will be in-charge of the day to day working of the Association.
He will be overall in-charge of the office and properties of the Association.
He will be a member of all the committees appointed by the Governing Body or the General Body.
He shall act as Treasurer during the absence of the Treasurer and shall exercise during such period all the power of the Treasurer.
He will be an ex-officio member of all the committees appointed by the Governing Body or the General Body.
He shall receive all papers and correspondence on behalf of the Association and submit all papers for the consideration of the Governing Body and carryout the orders passed thereon.
He shall sign all correspondence in the name of the Association.
All documents executed on behalf of the Association shall be in the name of the Secretary.
He shall issue notices and agenda of the meetings of the Governing Body and the General Body of the Association.
Will be in overall supervision of all accounts and expenditure and will get prepared by the Treasurer an Annual Statement of Accounts duly audited by a chartered accountant for ratification by the Governing Body and the General Body.
Shall keep an up-to-date register of the members of the Association.
He shall discharge his duties in conformity with the rules under the supervision of the President. In the discharge of his duties, he shall be given such assistance establishment as the General Body may decide from time to time determine.
Shall maintain records, minutes of the General Body, minutes of the Governing Body and other committees of the Association of which he is a member.
The Joint Secretary, in the absence of the Secretary, shall convene and attend all the meetings of the Association, Executive Committee and Sub-committees and shall have all the powers and duties of the Secretary.
The term of office will be the two years or as decided by General Body.
He will be from the area where the office is situated.
He will keep up-to-date accounts of the Association.
He shall present the Annual audited accounts for the previous year at the Annual General Body Meeting. The Auditor will be appointed only by the General Body. He shall also present unaudited accounts of the current year. He shall co-ordinate the Auditors who will be appointed by the General Body.
He shall present the Budget Estimate for the next year at the Annual General Body Meeting.
He shall attend to the work under instructions from the Governing Body, or as delegated by the Secretary.
He shall assist the president and the Secretary in all correspondence arranging meetings and in general in all activities of the Association.
He shall act as Secretary during the absence of the Secretary and shall exercise during such period all the power of the Secretary.
He will be in-charge of the finance of the Association and shall be responsible for the collection and expenditure of all assets of the Association conjointly with Secretary.
Shall keep an up to-date account of the Association and present a statement of accounts duly audited by a Chartered Accountant to the Governing Body and the General Body at the annual meeting.
He shall have the custody of the valuable documents of the Association.
He shall have the custody of the funds available with the Association.
Term of office shall be for two years.
The Governing body shall be the managing committee of the Association
The Governing body shall have power of control and management of the affairs and property of the Association for proper conduct and management of the affairs of the Association n in carrying out its objectives.
As the Governing Body takes administrative and management decisions on behalf of the Association, it is responsible to the General Body.
They shall organize and oversee the activities of the Association.
The members of the Governing Body shall attend all its meetings.
Shall help, guide, counsel and assist the President and Secretary in all matters concerning the Association.
Shall discharge any work of the Association entrusted to them by the President or Secretary.
Immediate Past President shall be member of the Governing Body as Ex-Officio.
If they cease to be members.
If by a resolution, the general body decides by not less than 1/3rd of the members present that such office bearers be removed from the office.
All the executive members shall attend all the meetings of Governing Body without fail. Failure to attend 3 consecutive Governing Body meeting shall disqualify from the membership of Governing Body. The Governing Body shall have the power to re-induct such members after verification of the validity of the reasons submitted by the members for their absence.
Any bonafide member of the Association acting in contravention of the policies and programmes of the Association as adopted by the Executive shall stand disqualified to be a member of the Association for a specified period as resolved by the Governing Body by a proper procedure of proposal and seconding by eligible members and carried by a simple majority.
The following documents shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies, within the time prescribed by the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975, from the date of approval at the Annual General Body meeting.
An authenticated copy of the Receipts and Payments Statement, Income and Expenditure Statement and the Balance Sheet along with the Auditors Report;
A declaration to the effect that the Association has been in operation during the financial year;
Form V for the change of the Registered office of the Association, if any;
Form VI – Register of members – containing Names, addresses, Occupation, Date of Joined the Association, Date of cessation, removal or death;
Form – VII – Enrolments of members;
Form – VII – Statement of change among the members and office bearers of the Executive Committee of the Association either by election of the Office bearers or death or voluntary removal from the Association; and
Form VII – a statement of mortgage or charge created by the Association over the Assets of the Association.
Apart from that all the receipts, payments, registers, minutes book along with memorandum and by-laws of the Association shall be put before the inspecting authority at the office of the District Registrar once in a year
A notice of 3 weeks shall be given for the meeting of the General Body of the Association. A notice for the meeting shall be displayed at the office.
A notice of 21 days shall be given for the meeting of the Governing Body. Individual notices shall be issued to all the members of the Governing Body either by post or by personal contact.
i) An emergency meeting of the Governing Body may however, be called for by the President of the Association without reference to the number of days specified above.
ii) Whenever it is found inconvenient to call an emergency meetings of the Governing Body and the Secretary deems it desirable that the opinion of the Governing Body should be obtained on any particular matter or matters where of their opinion is required, he shall do so by calling an Emergency Governing Body meeting within 48 hours and take decision according to majority of Governing Body.
iii) General Body should be held during the annual conference unless otherwise
changed for specific reasons.
Rule No.17. ELECTION:
Election of the office bearers is by postal ballot or Digital voting as per the procedure described in the by-laws or as Election of the office bearers can be held during Annual General Body meeting.
Governing body members can only contest in Vice President, Secretary, Join Secretary & Treasurer.
The Nomination / Election will be held for the following governing body and for the term indicated.
i) The term of the office of the Secretary, Treasurer will be two years’ duration.
ii) The term of the all the other Governing Body members including President will
be for two years.
The Secretary will be elected from the place of the office situated by nomination / election by the General Body.
Treasurer will be elected from the place where the office situated either by nomination / election by the General Body.
The Editor will be elected from members of the Association.
A returning officer shall be appointed by the governing body before the annual general body meeting.
The office bearers will resume office at annual general body meeting and hold office till next annual general body meeting.
Nominations for the post of President (Elect) shall be from the governing body of good standing in the Association.
Nominations for the post of Secretary shall be from the Life members of good standing in the Association from the place where office is situated.
Nominations for the Joint Secretary shall be from the general body members of good standing in the Association from the place of President (Elect).
Nominations for the post of Treasurer shall be from the Life members of good standing in the Association from the place where office is situated.
Nominations for the post of Editor shall be from the Life members of good standing with academic and Professional background in the Association.
Nominations for the post of Governing Body members shall be from the Life members of good standing in the Association.
In case there are no valid nominations, the Returning Officer shall announce such posts and accept floor nominations from the valid members.
President One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
President (Elect) One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Vice President One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Secretary One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Joint Secretary One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Treasurer One (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Executive Members Six (By Nomination / Election – 2 years)
Rule No.20. VACANCIES:
The vacancy arising in the middle of the year / term shall be filled as under:
The vacancy of the President – President (Elect) or Vice President or Past President or Secretary will act as President.
The vacancy of the Vice President – The Secretary or Joint Secretary will act as Vice President.
The Vacancy of Secretary post – The governing body will nominate the office bearer from its members, for the rest of the term till then Treasurer will be responsible.
The Vacancy of joint Secretary post – The governing body will nominate the office bearer from its members, for the rest of the term till then Secretary will be responsible.
The Vacancy of Treasurer post – The governing body will nominate the office bearer from its members, for the rest of the term till then Secretary will be responsible.
Any vacancy in the office of the Governing Body members other than these stated above, shall be filled by co-option by the Governing Body and such co-opted members shall be the members of Governing Body till the conclusion of the term of the Governing Body.
Resolution of the Governing Body regarding management and administration shall be binding.
The Governing Body or any of its members shall not be held responsible for loss of any properly unless it is due to willful default or negligence.
The Governing Body shall have power of control and management of the affairs of the property of the Association to engage such officials other.
The Governing Body shall have power to invest and deal with the moneys of the and borrow such sums of money as it may resolve as tending to benefit the Association.
Such money shall not be invested in any depreciable assets.
It shall be responsible for raising the necessary funds for the Association
It may give financial assistance to deserving people
It may assist social, charitable, Educational institutions which may require the help of the Association.
It may constitute sub-committees for any particular purpose and co-opt any particular person for carrying on the work entrusted to the sub-committee.
It shall have authority to convene the general body meeting of the Association.
It shall have authority to sanction necessary funds to the sub-committee to carry on their administration.
It may frame such subsidiary rules as may be necessary for efficient and smooth running of the administration of the Association.
Its meetings shall be held thrice in a year or as often as it is necessary, quorum for such meetings shall be five. An adjourned meeting for want of quorum needs no quorum.
Any member invited to the Governing Body meetings as a special invitee will have no voting right.
It shall have the authority to decide if any doubt arises in the interpretations of the rules and regulations of the Association and any decisions shall be final be in concurrence with general body.
Governing Body shall meet at least three times in a year. They can also have Teleconferencing.
Any five members shall form a quorum.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Governing Body meeting and in his absence the meetings will be presided by Past President and for the purpose of the meetings he shall have all the powers of the President.
In every case of voting the President will have a vote, in every case of a tie the President shall have an additional casting vote.
The voting may be by show of hands.
Whenever it is found inconvenient to call for a meeting of the Governing Body and the Secretary deems it desirable that the opinion of the Governing Body should be obtained on any particular matter, he shall do so by telephone and act in accordance with views of the majority, provided it is endorsed by the President.
The Association organizes one Annual Conference every year.
CME Programs shall be organized: at State level, Zonal or Local in co-ordination with the recognized local Branches. Individuals are not permitted to conduct such workshops or CME programs without permission of Association and such meetings are not recognized if deviated.
Local and state branches can pan and organize the workshops, Surgical workshops, CMEs with intimation to Association Headquarters so that it will be taken into cognizance as one of the activities. However they are not permitted to use the official logo of the Association. The Governing Body can help them in organizing and arranging faculty
The organizing Committee shall enter into agreement with the Governing body regarding the
Conduct of Conference.
Various protocols of Functions.
Scientific Programme including Scientific sessions, Orations, Awards, Free papers, best paper awards and Gold medals, etc.
Surgical Workshops: When Guest faculty is operating the financial and legal liabilities has to be managed by the Organizing committee or Hospital or Both.
Sharing of Conference funds10% of the delegate registration fee of the
conference should go to Association accounts as a royalty.
There will be no separate charge for CME programme / Pre-conference workshop, other than conference registration.
The organizing Secretary of the conference should submit Statement of Audited Accounts to the local Branch, which in turn will forward the same to the Association office which is to be incorporated and reflected in the Annual Statement of Accounts. The copy of the Annual Statement of Association will go to Head office every year.
The Conference shall be normally held once in a year.
The use of OFFICIAL LOGO of Association and raising of funds using the name of Association.
No individual member or local branch shall conduct workshop or conference or CME using official logo without prior permission of Association.
The Guest faculty / speakers for the Conference shall be selected by the Governing Body in coordination with Organizing Committee.
If the donor / trust for the Oration/scientific Session wishes to invite a foreign faculty for the conference the travel expenses will be borne by the donor / trust. Only Local Hospitality will be looked after by the Organizing Committee.
If the Guest Speakers are from within India, both the travel and local Hospitality will be borne by the Organizing Committee.
The Amount for an Oration is Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) and for Gold Medal is Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only). There shall be 4 orations. If the number of orations exceeds 4 (Four) any donation above Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) is accepted for a Scientific Session in the name of Donor.
The Orations or Gold Medals will be for a period of 10 years only after which the donor will be given the option of extending the tenure by paying the revised amount as decided by the Governing body and ratified by the General Body failing which it will be withdrawn.
All the orations, gold medals, Fellowships or Scientific Sessions have to be ratified in the immediate next General Body Meeting. If the General Body does not agree for the donations the same amount will be returned to the Donor without interest.
The Governing body of the Association has the power to organize Annual Conference on their own, if they want to raise more funds for the Association.
The Conference is presided over by the President. The main Programmes in the Conference are
Address by the President.
Report by Secretary.
Speech by the Chief Guest.
All the Principal Governing Body members of the Association should be called on to the Dias during the inaugural function in the order of PRESIDENT, CHIEF GUEST, IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, JOINT SECRETARY ,TREASURER, EDITOR, ORGANISING SECRETARY, ORGANIZING CHAIRMAN, wherever possible if accommodation permits other Governing Body Members of the Association, should be called on to the Dias. All the Governing body members will be presented with Mementoes and Certificates of Honor by the Organizing Committee.
The Property of the Association shall be in the control of the Governing Body.
Will be derived from:
Donations given by Philanthropists, Charitable and other organizations for specified objects in relation to the stated aims and objectives of “ INDIAN SOCIETY FOR FACIAL TRAUMA, AESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGISTS “ ii) Orations and Scientific Sessions deposits (not less than Rs.1,00,000/-, it shall be revised upwards periodically)
Fellowship deposits (not less than Rs.1,00,000/-, it shall be revised upwards periodically)
Gold Medal deposits (not less than Rs.50,000/-, it shall be revised upwards periodically)
10% of the delegate registration fees of the Annual Conference should go to Association Administrative fund.
ii) FUNDS:
The funds shall be spent only for the attainment of the Association and no portion
thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any of its members
through any means.
a) The amount collected towards the Orations, Scientific sessions, Gold medals or Fellowships will be kept in separate Fixed Deposit accounts and the interest every year will be transferred to the Administrative Account for preparing the Medals and Certificates.
b) The amount collected towards the Administrative fund will be kept in a separate Savings Account which will be used for the expenditure towards the running the office, Stationary and other sundry expenses.
c) Regular books of accounts shall be maintained by the Association and the same shall be audited by a Charted Accountant appointed by the General body every year.
The Association may be invested in such manner and in such banks and in such a way as the Governing Body may, in its sole discretion charge the investments in order to better fulfill the objects of the Association. The investments shall be made in such securities which fall within the purview of the Income Tax Act 1961 as applicable to charitable institutions as amended from time to time.
The investment shall be made in such Securities as provided in Sec.11(5) / I.T.
Rule No.28. BANKERS:
Bank Account: The Founder President or President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer are the authorized signatories. Any two of them of which the President is a must, shall jointly sign along with either the Secretary or the Treasurer in all the cheques, notices and other negotiable instruments.
All accounts shall be maintained in any Nationalized Banks, at its office headquarters.
All legal documents of the Association shall be signed by the Founder President or President, Secretary & Treasurer jointly.
Rule No.29. AUDITING:
The Books of accounts of the Association shall be audited annually and shall be available for inspection to any member at the Annual General Body Meeting.
The audited accounts shall be presented to the Governing Body and shall be approved, prior to submitting to the General Body.
The accounting year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March of the succeeding year.
The Association may publish its own Journal / Newsletter / Bulletin.
The Association may have its own website which will be updated periodically.
The designated Editor along with the editorial Board will look after both the medias
Journal Office shall be at a place as decided by the General Body for a period of three years.
The Editor will be from the place where the Journal office is situated.
Editor shall constitute an Editorial board in consultation with the Governing Body consisting of one sub-editor and three members.
Term of the Editorial board shall be for a period of 3 years.
The Editor and Editorial Board shall function under the overall control and supervision of the Governing Body. The Editorial Board shall have the right to frame separate by-laws for the conduct and publication of the Journal subject to the approval of the Governing Body.
President, the Secretary and Treasurer will be Ex-officio members of the Editorial Board.
Its funds shall be managed and operated by the Secretary and Treasurer of the Governing Body jointly in consultation with the Editor.
Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations can be amended by a special resolution passed by the General Body of the Association provided:
The resolution can be passed at the General Body meeting specially called for with advance intimation of proposed amendments.
No amendments or alterations shall be made in purposes of the Association unless it is voted by not less than 2/3 of the members present, at a special meeting convened for the purpose and confirmed by not less than 2/3 of the members present at a second special meetings so convened and without the prior approval of the Association concerned.
Under normal circumstances, these rules and regulations shall not be repeated, nor any amendment or addition to them made except by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than 51% of the members on the Register of the Association at a meeting convened for the purpose or at an Annual General Body Meeting.
The Secretary shall give notice of resolutions to be moved in this behalf at least one month prior to the meeting at which such resolutions are to be moved. At such meetings members not present may vote by proxy or by post. But, if such a percentage is not available for two successive meetings of which one should be an annual general body meeting the amendments may be circulated to all meetings by Registered post requesting for a reply within 30 days with a footnote saying that if a reply is not received within 30 days from the date of issue of such amendments. It would be taken for granted that member is agreeable to the amendments and such amendments will be incorporated in the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
The General Body at its discretion can appoint members of the various committee of the Association for a period of one year & for conducting many activities helpful to augment and help Otolaryngology specialty. These sub-committees will normally be headed by President, Past Presidents, President Elect. The Past President council will be an advisory body to offer advice and it will meet at the conference time.
The Association shall sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary.
The office Head Quarters shall be the Territorial Jurisdiction for the legal purpose or where the Head Office of the Association is located.
All the legal documents of the Association shall be signed by the Founder President or President and Secretary jointly.
LEGAL ADVISOR: The Association shall have the right to engage a counsel on a permanent basis as a standing counselor for a specific purpose.
Liabilities of Branches: The Association shall not be liable for any of the branches nor shall any of the branches be liable for any of the debts and liabilities of the Association.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions and in the interest of maintaining discipline among the cadres, the President shall have the power to adopt such measures and take such decisions as may be necessary to impose discipline amongst different cadres.
Any member acting against the interest of the Association including misappropriation of association funds, malicious propaganda, disrespect to majority decisions and directives of the association and its duly elected office bearers shall be liable for suspension for a period of 3 year or his membership terminated by a majority vote of General Body. If Governing Body of the Association feels any member who organizes CME or workshop to promote individual interest, image practice or misuse funds in liable for disciplinary action in the interest of the Association If any member is found to be making false claims and misleading the patients and colleagues shall be countered by Association for his mis-conduct.
Rule No.34.WINDING UP:
In case the Association has to be wound up the property and funds of the Association that remain after full satisfaction of the liabilities of the Association, shall be transferred or paid to some other institutions with similar aims and objects and which has been already registered U/s. 12/A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.